Disney+ Hotstar has announced a new Hindi drama series called “School of Lies” in collaboration with BBC Studios India. The series, set to premiere on June 2, tells the story of a missing 12-year-old child named Shakti and the unraveling of secrets within a boarding school.
The trailer for the series has been released, giving viewers a glimpse of what to expect. Nimrat Kaur, known for her roles in shows like “Homeland,” stars in the series as Nandita Mehra, the school counselor. The talented cast also includes Varin Roopani, Divyansh Dwivedi, Aryan Singh Ahlawat, Hemant Kher, Parthiv Shetty, Adrija Sinha, and Aalekh Kapoor.
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Inspired by true events, “School of Lies” sheds light on the dark and mysterious world behind the closed doors of a boarding school. As the search for Shakti intensifies, shocking revelations come to the surface, exposing the hidden secrets of the school.
Director Avinash Arun, known for his work in the film “Killa,” and writer Ishani Banerjee, co-creator of the series “Despatch,” have joined forces to bring this gripping story to life.
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Nimrat Kaur expressed her excitement about working on the series and the valuable lessons she learned from the children involved in the production. She described “School of Lies” as a unique series that takes inspiration from real events, offering a fresh and intriguing perspective on what happens within the confines of a boarding school.
With its combination of talented actors, a compelling storyline based on true events, and a glimpse into the hidden world of a boarding school, “School of Lies” promises to captivate viewers and keep them on the edge of their seats.
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Fans of Hindi dramas and mystery thrillers can look forward to the premiere of “School of Lies” on Disney+ Hotstar on June 2, where they will be taken on a suspenseful journey filled with twists and turns, and where the truth behind the lies will be revealed.