Tom Holland and Zendaya, the stars of the Spider-Man franchise, are set to return for a fourth installment of the popular superhero series. The news was confirmed by producer Amy Pascal in a conversation with Variety. However, the development of the new movie has been temporarily put on hold due to an ongoing writer’s strike.
Pascal expressed certainty about making another Spider-Man film, stating, “Of course, we are. We’re in the process, but the writers strike, nobody is working during the strike. We’re all being supporters, and whenever they get themselves together, we’ll get started.”
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The previous film in the franchise, Spider-Man: No Way Home, was released in 2021. It featured Tom Holland as Peter Parker, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and Zendaya as MJ, his love interest. The movie revealed Peter’s struggle with his superhero identity being exposed to the world. He sought the help of Doctor Strange to alter the course of history and return to a time when his secret was intact.
While not much is known about the storyline of the fourth film, it is noteworthy that Tom Holland and Zendaya reportedly started dating during the filming of Spider-Man. According to sources, they were cautious about keeping their relationship private but were seen going on vacations together and spending quality time with each other.
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Their relationship became more public when Holland posted a behind-the-scenes photo on Instagram in September 2021, referring to Zendaya as “My MJ” as part of a birthday tribute. This official confirmation delighted fans who had been speculating about their romance.
Recently, the couple was spotted attending an NBA playoff game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Golden State Warriors. They opted for a casual look, with Tom wearing a light gray sweatshirt and Zendaya sporting a white baby tee, a black Warriors cap, and gold-rimmed eyeglasses.
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Fans eagerly anticipate the fourth Spider-Man film, as it will bring back the dynamic duo of Tom Holland and Zendaya. However, due to the writer’s strike, the development of the movie has been put on hold. Once the strike is resolved, the production team will resume work on this highly anticipated installment.